Outotec Oyj
Outotec and Ecobio at the heart of business
Outotec provides advanced technology and services for the sustainable use of the Earth’s natural resources. As the world’s leading mineral and metal processing technology supplier, Outotec has developed numerous pioneering technologies for the mining and metallurgical industry over the decades. The company has sales and service centers in 36 countries and six continents.
Outotec’s impact on developing energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable technologies in the traditional mining and metal processing industry has been significant. These product features are also a competitive advantage, with which the company strives to stand out by offering high-quality and environmentally conscious services. According to the OECD classification, as much as 88 percent of the company’s deliveries are environmental goods and services.
Long cooperation with Ecobio dates back to the Outokumpu era, the 1990s. With Outotec, Ecobio has carried out various projects for ten years, including assessing Outotec’s environmental system, technology environmental impacts, and corporate responsibility. The company also uses the Ecobio Manager service to manage sustainable development requirements.
“We expect our partner to have a vision of where the world is going and new ideas. In addition to their expertise, Ecobio has experience working with other companies. Our goals are high and we expect the same from our partner,” says Jarmo Koskimaa, Director responsible for the environment and occupational safety.
Outotec the fifth most responsible company in the world
Last year’s corporate responsibility report was already the eighth, which Ecobio has verified from the perspective of environmental responsibility and social responsibility. The theme of the report is refining information to promote sustainable development. The theme describes the benefits of automation and digitalization in the sustainable use of natural resources.
“We have received good feedback and accuracy from Ecobio for our work and a tool for developing the report. The cooperation has gone excellently and we have agreed on things flexibly even on a tight schedule. It is also important that our contacts have remained the same, as they know our history. Reporting work feels a bit easier year after year,” says head of communications, Eila Paatela.
Outotec has been successful in corporate responsibility reporting competitions and has received praise for its reporting from investors. The company reached the Global 100 list of the world’s most responsible companies for the sixth time, with a fine fifth place. The Canadian media and investment advisory company Corporate Knights evaluated the listing based on publicly available information for about 6,000 listed companies using 17 environmental and social responsibility and governance indicators.
Reporting requirements are increasing
“We have achieved good results. Our technologies can make a global positive impact, and we also report on this footprint. For example, the carbon dioxide emissions of customers using Outotec’s metal technologies were 6.2 million tons smaller than the industry averages last year.”, says Ilkka Kojo, Director of Sustainable Development, and continues: “The field is constantly evolving and reporting as well as needs and information requirements are increasing, for example, expectations for biodiversity are growing. Last year we certified the ISO 50001 energy management system standard.” The company is a globally significant player and a pioneer in sustainable development in a traditional field. This is of particular interest to young people. “Our work matters and things are moving in the right direction,” say Outotec’s corporate responsibility experts.
“Reporting feels a bit easier year after year”
Ella Paatela
Head of communications, Outotec Oyj
“We expect our partner to have a vision of where the world is going and new ideas. In addition to their expertise, Ecobio has experience working with other companies.”
Jarmo Koskimaa
Environiment and safety, Outotec Oyj