Poison Centre Notification – 6 Steps for a Successful PCN

Download our comprehensive guide about Poison Centre Notification here!

A large number of chemical products are placed on the EU market and used both by the general public in their everyday lives as well as by professionals in their working environments. Chemical products are, in general, considered to be safe when their use instructions are followed. Nevertheless, unintentional exposure to chemicals can occur, for example, due to their inappropriate use or accidents. When this happens, immediate access to relevant information on the chemical product is crucial for medical staff and those who provide emergency responses. Poison centres play an important role in ensuring the safe use of chemicals and formulating preventive and curative measures for poison incidents.

The companies that place hazardous mixtures on the market are obliged to provide information to the poison centres in each EU member state the placing occur. The placing on the market happens when the company, e.g. formulates or imports a mixture and either sells it or uses it in its own operations. This requirement is set by law in article 45 of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)regulation ((EC) No 1272/2008). This obligation is applicable to mixtures,e.g. to detergents, paints, glues or biocides. Substances, e.g. ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, or copper sulphate, are not in the scope of this obligation as poison centres have the required information of substances available in their databases. The information provided enables poison centres to advise the citizens or medical personnel in an emergency.

PCN plays an important role in ensuring the safe use of chemicals and formulating preventive and curative measures for poison incidents

Our guide gives an overview of Poison Centre Notification (PCN) that play an important role in ensuring the safe use of chemicals and formulating preventive and curative measures for poison incidents.

Do you want to know what a Poison Centre Notification (PCN) is? Are you curious about which mixtures require information to be submitted and how to submit a Poison Centre Notification dossier? These are just some of the questions our guide answers as well as presenting the 6 steps for a successful PCN.

Download our guide by filling in the form below.

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