SCIP database launched for tracking chemicals of concern in products

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has launched the SCIP database for tracking chemicals of concern in products. Information on substances of very high concern can be now submitted to the database. In order to improve safe recycling of waste and enhance circular economy, companies are required to report hazardous chemicals in their products to the database. More knowledge on chemicals in products is also needed for making the EU Green Deal work. Moreover, improved data also protects workers, citizens and the environment and encourages companies and industry to replace their potentially hazardous chemicals with safer ones.

The Waste Framework Directive requires companies to submit their chemical data to the database as of 5th of January 2021. Consumers and waste operators will have access to the database in February 2021 onwards. The database has been developed in cooperation with stakeholders and an IT user group. Based on industry feedback, the database is built to simplify the companies’ work. For example, a system-to-system submission function helps companies submit notifications easily. Also, companies can work together by referring to data that has already been submitted when adding new notifications to the database.

There is supportive information about the SCIP database on ECHA’s website. What is more, there will be a webinar about the tools and features included in the system on 19th of November.

Does your company need help with SCIP requirements? Ecobio’s experts are happy to help! Please contact us and ask about our services.