Ecological compensation – a way to strengthen biodiversity Ecological compensation – a way to strengthen biodiversity The Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE, has published a Policy Brief on ecological compensation (20.11.2019). According to the policy brief ecological...
What you need to know about the UN Climate Action Summit 2019 What you need to know about the UN Climate Action Summit 2019 To tackle the issue of climate change UN organizes the UN Climate Action Summit today (23.9.2019) in New York. “The...
9th Conference on Biodiversity in Trondheim 9th Conference on Biodiversity in Trondheim The Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the UN Environment Program (UNEP) and the Norwegian Government arranges...
Blog series on climate impacts – Textile industry Blog series on climate impacts – Textile industry The discussion on climate change is linked with the textile industry in multiple ways. On the one hand, the raw...
Ecobio’s blog series on climate impacts Ecobio’s blog series on climate impacts Climate change is a hot topic at the moment. Ecobio contributes to climate change mitigation by providing services and taking...