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Voluntary information as part of Taxonomy-eligibility reporting

Last December, the EU’s Taxonomy Platform published considerations on voluntary information as part of Taxonomy-eligibility reporting, which gives supplementary guidance for disclosures.

In addition to mandatory reporting, voluntary reporting under the Taxonomy framework can enable non-financial companies and financial institutions to explain the eligibility proportion of their entire operations, investment profile, or balance sheet since it may include both Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and non-NFRD companies, for example.

Voluntary disclosures should be made regarding the same scope and timeline as the financial and non-financial statements of the firm and in line with the reporting obligations. Voluntary reporting should be prepared on the basis that it does not contradict or misrepresent the mandatory information according to the disclosures delegated act, and it should not be given more prominence than the mandatory disclosures. Where an undertaking includes voluntary reporting, this should be accompanied with information on the basis used for its preparation and a clear explanation of how it differs from mandatory reporting.

Ecobio Manager – Our proposal for the first-period reporting

We provide a free trial account for Ecobio Manager’s Taxonomy classification and reporting tool for non-financial companies. By which, your team can disclose according to the first period’s requirements. The offering is valid until the end of March 2022. Its value is 3000 euros.

Act now! Please contact us and request your access to Ecobio Manager and book a demo presentation: sales@ecobiomanager.com.

Text: Sanna Perkiö

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/info/files/sustainable-finance-taxonomy-eligibility-reporting-voluntary-information_en