Home » Aker Yards’ Three Shipyard Systems Completed in Record Time

Aker Yards’ Three Shipyard Systems (ISO14001/OHSAS18001) Completed in Record Time

The shipyard company Aker Yards chose Ecobio to assist them in the development of their management systems. Shipyards are highly demanding places of work considering both the health of the employees on the site and its environmental impact. Workplace accidents can often occur during shipbuilding and various aspects of the work involved are physically demanding. It is common for professionals in the ship building industry to retire early. A variety of waste is generated during the building phase of the ship’s construction. Once the ships have been constructed and are in use, their high energy consumption is also environmentally significant. Thus, the importance of environmental protection and occupational safety standards within a shipyard’s operations is significant.

Ecobio guided and directed the implementation of both the environmental and the occupational health and safety system of Aker Yards; one of the largest management system projects within the Nordics. Three shipyards and their 15,000 subcontractor supply chains were simultaneously modelled enabling them to be ready for certification. The systems established and put into place were then certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 Environmental and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety standards. The developmental coaching given by Ecobio succeeded as expected and Aker Yards Shipyards received their certificates in record time and with a good performance rating.

 The shipyards have now changed owners since then.